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Packing 101

Who's an over-packer? Hello, it is nice to meet you!

Packing for some people can be exciting and for others very stressful. Some people fall into both categories along with over/under packing. I will share with you today a few tips that have helped me with my recent travels.

  1. Have a checklist - Ensures you wont forget anything

  2. Compression Storage Bags - Saves space

  3. Knowing the Weather - Jacket or swimsuit?

  4. Planning each outfit for each day - Pack one or two emergency outfits just in case

  5. Don't second guess yourself!!!

To dive in a little deeper on #4 and idea behind it. Planning each outfit for each day might sound a little much, however for others that need a little more organization it will do wonders.

First, I decided in advance what outfits I will bring with me on the trip (outfits according to weather) and lay them all out on my bed. Second, knowing in advance what activities I will be doing will depend on the outift for that day. Third, I pack one or two emergency outifts for those just in case moments. Forthly, I place each outfit into a compression storage bag and lable the outside of the bag for the day I plan on wearing the outfit. This helps my suitcase stay organized when traveling and prevents me from over packing.

LINK HERE - Amazon Compression Storage Bags

An easy way to eliminate a few cosmetic items out of your bag will depend on where you stay. If your hotel/airbnb has a hairdryer thats one less bulky item to worry about. If they provide bodywash that is also one less item to pack. Yes, it might not be a name brand but it will save you space and money. If you are traveling in a group coordinate who is bring what; hairstraightener, curler, shampoo and conditioner. Also consider if you want to purchase any items at your destination. These little things will save you both space and money.




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