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Travel Bucket List

We all have that bucket list we are dying to complete, yet somehow always find a way to excuse it with the business of everyday life. This year I have compiled a travel bucket list that I do plan on completing and here is how. There are a few things that go into a bucket list and here is what I have found is important.

  1. Budgeting - Knowing what to expect.

  2. Putting it on your calendar - This may seem like such an easy step, however once you put it on your calendar it becomes more real.

  3. Packing preparations - Do I need a passport? Do I need specific clothes for weather conditions?

  4. Knowing your destination - The best season to visit. Places to see/eat at your destination.

I have opened up that dusty map in the closet and pin pointed eight locations I plan on traveling to. Some destinations on my list are within my state, easy to get to and others take more preparation. I am excited to complete this list and see what adventures lie ahead! Olivia's Travel Bucket List

  1. Cancun, Mexico

  2. Magnolia Market in Solis

  3. Enchanted Rock

  4. Phoenix, Arizona

  5. The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden

  6. Nashville, Tennesse

  7. Las Vegas

  8. New Orleans

  9. Hilton Head Island

Stay tuned for a post on packing, coming soon!



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